A true sporting hound, the Whippet was bred for speed and is the fastest domesticated animal of his weight, capable of up to 60 kilometres per hour. Originally used for coursing rabbits, he became popular among the working classes in the north of England for racing, being known as the poor man's racehorse.
Today the Whippet is predominantly a much-loved gentle pet for all age groups. There are few dogs that are as clean and well-behaved in the house, or as easy to feed and maintain. Not only does the Whippet make a quiet, dignified, unobtrusive, yet highly decorative addition to any household, he also excels at catching rats and other vermin. Blessed with a gentle and affectionate nature, the Whippet is anxious to please his owner and easy to train. (No training is required, however, to make him into a foot-warmer in bed!
Although the Whippet looks somewhat delicate, he is, in fact, an aero-dynamically constructed canine athlete, with a hardy constitution, and requires considerable exercise to keep him in top condition.
Ideal height Dogs 47-51cm
Bitches 44-47cm
Weight approx 11kg
Taking you home-Shelter animals
joi, 9 august 2007
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Sandru Mihai
West Highland White Terrier
The West Highland White Terrier originally hunted fox and otter in his native Scotland, where his tremendous stamina, courage and agility stood him in good stead for dealing with the rugged Scottish terrain. His harsh double coat protected him against the teeth of his foes, as well as the climate, while his white jacket ensured that he was easily distinguishable.
The West Highland White Terrier is the perfect dog for the man who likes Terriers but feels that some are perhaps a little volatile. The "Westie's" appealing expression, devoted nature, cheeky ways and handy size, on the other hand, are guaranteed to endear him to the lady of the house. Similarly, he is always a hit with children, with whom he is ever ready for a romp or an energetic game of ball. In fact, the West Highland White Terrier makes an amusing companion and perfect housedog for just about anybody.
All Terrier, with a large amount of self-esteem and Scottish spunk, determination and devotion crammed into a small body, the West Highland White is a fun dog to own. He is suited to either town or country living.
Height approximately 28 cm
Weight 8-9kg
~~Video about shelter animals~~
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Sandru Mihai
Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
This breed originated in Pembrokeshire in Wales, where it was used primarily for herding cattle, sheep and the herds of small ponies which ran wild through the Welsh hills. Since 1933, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi has gained international fame through royal patronage. Today, the best known members of the breed are still to be found at Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and the other Royal residences.
The Pembroke is the better known and more popular of the two Corgi breeds. He is slightly smaller, with a somewhat sharper head and smaller ears than the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, and of course, he is usually tail-less.
Hardy, intelligent and easy to groom, the Pembroke Corgi is a friendly little dog who enjoys playing with children and is great fun to have either in the house or on country walks. Always alert and with a strongly developed sense of territory, he makes a good watchdog.
Ideal height 25.4 -30.5cm
Weight Dogs 10-12kg
Bitches 10-11kg
Cat vs. Dog
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Sandru Mihai
This breed was developed at the court of the Grand Duke Karl August of Weimar, the capital of Thuringen, Germany, as an all-purpose sporting dog for the nobility. Known as the dog with the human brain, the Weimaraner is incredibly versatile, combining his roles of personal hunting dog and household companion with distinction. In addition to being used as a bird dog and water retriever, he has over the years also been used on wolves, wild cats, deer, mountain lion and bear. On the Continent, he has worked for the police, putting to good use his marvellous scenting powers and tracking ability.
The Weimaraner is a fearless, courageous dog which can be rather aggressive towards intruders, although with his owner and family, he is friendly and gentle. An energetic breed, the Weimaraner requires firm training and plenty of exercise. Nicknamed the "Grey Ghost" because of his sleek silvery -grey coat, the Weimaraner is easy to feed, groom and maintain, and would be the perfect choice for anyone with an active, sporty, lifestyle.
Height Dogs 59-70cm
Bitches 57-65cm
Weight Dogs 30-40kg
Bitches 25-35kg
Love between cat and dog
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Sandru Mihai
Tibetan Spaniel
Used for centuries by the monks of Tibet to turn their prayer wheels by means of a small treadmill, the Tibetan Spaniel was considered a sacred animal. The monks also used to put them inside the sleeves of their robes as a kind of hairy hot-water bottle to keep them warm! Additionally, they were used for security purposes as an early warning system against intruders in the monasteries.
Today the Tibetan Spaniel makes a delightful pet, and is quite suitable for even very small houses. He is gay, assertive and full of fun, being every bit as happy in the great outdoors chasing a ball as he is sitting on a silk cushion in the most comfortable chair in the house. An aristocrat in his own right, the Tibetan Spaniel considers he is the guardian of the household, and will let his owners know, in his own aloof and dignified way, of any slight (real or imagined) that offends his sense of superiority. He is distrustful of strangers and will raise the alarm at their approach, making him a valuable little watchdog.
Ideal height: 25.4cm
Ideal Weight 4.1 - 6.8kg
Cat and Dog funny (get out of my bed)
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Sandru Mihai
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
A British breed, developed by crossing the Bulldog with various local terriers, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier was bred for dog-fighting purposes. These fights took place in specially constructed pits, often situated in public house yards, and vast amounts of money were wagered on the outcome of these bouts.
Today he is one of the kindest and most friendly dogs around, although he still has the inherent tendency to be aggressive with other dogs, making him best suited as a rule to being the only dog in the household. With all age groups , however, he is loyal and loving, being particularly sweet tempered and gentle.
He is quiet, stable and trustworthy, making him an invaluable all-purpose household companion.
Ideal height 36 - 41 cm
Weight Dogs 12 - 17kg
Bitches 11-15.4kg
funny dogs
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Sandru Mihai
Skye Terrier
This fearless and canny little dog takes his name from his native Isle of Skye, where he excelled as a vermin catcher. His low-slung build enabled him to go to ground on fox or badger, while his long hard coat protected him from undergrowth and the teeth of other animals. Although he may look like the fancy-pants of the Terrier group, he is in actual fact a tough little cookie with a powerful body and punishing jaws.
In addition to being a true working terrier, the Skye was much favoured as a house pet of the Scottish lairds and eventually gained considerable status with the English aristocracy. There was a time when any self respecting duchess would have been ashamed to be seen in the park without her fashionable Skye Terrier!
Today the Skye has become somewhat of a connoisseur's dog. Unswervingly loyal and devoted to those he loves, but reserved and distrustful of strangers, the Skye Terrier is a one-man dog. He has an intelligent and inquiring mind, enjoys exercise and demands lots of affection but is best suited to adult households or those with older children. With his highly individual appearance and personality, the Skye Terrier is an extremely rewarding dog to own.
Ideal height: 25-26cm
Weight 9-11kg
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Sandru Mihai
Siberian Husky
Originally a sled dog of the Chukchi people of north eastern Asia, the Siberian Husky was capable of travelling great distances at moderate speed transporting light loads in very low temperatures.
Siberian Huskies were imported into Alaska and America by enthusiasts of sled racing as early as 1900, winning races over gruelling 400 mile courses. In 1925 a diptheria epidemic struck the city of Nome, Alaska, and dog teams were used to urgently transport life-saving serum. The herioc dogs were later to travel to the U.S.A. on a personal appearance tour where the delightful personality of the breed won the hearts of sportsmen who established the breed in the U.S.A. Siberian Huskies were used as sled dogs on the Byrd Antarctic Expeditions, and also in the U.S.A. Army's Search and Rescue Unit during World War II.
A medium sized dog, quick and light on his feet, graceful in action with a compact and well furred body, erect ears and a brush tail, the impression of a Siberian Husky is one of power, speed and endurance. An attractive feature of the Siberian Husky is the eyes which are almond shaped and may be brown, blue, one of each or parti-coloured with a keen and mischievous expression. All coat colours and markings are allowable in the Siberian Husky, including many striking patterns not found in other breeds.
The Siberian Husky is a naturally friendly and gentle dog but has an independent nature and a natural desire to roam which makes it necessary to have him under control at all times. Excellent fencing is a prerequisite for owning this breed. Although very alert, the Siberian Husky lacks the protective instincts of a watch dog. His heritage as an endurance sled dog makes it necessary for this breed to obtain maximum exercise.
Ideal height Dogs 53.5 - 60cm
Bitches 51- 56cm
Weight Dogs 20-27kg
Bitches 16-23kg
Funny Dogs & Pups
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Sandru Mihai
Shih Tzu
Descended from the Lhasa Apsos of Tibet, which in turn were crossed with the Pekingese, the resultant Shih Tzus were oft
en presented as tributes to the Emperor of China and lived a life of luxury in the Imperial palaces. The breeding of these lively little dogs was supervised by court eunuchs, who vied with each other to produce specimens that would take the Emperor's fancy. The Shih Tzu was considered sacred and was highly favoured by the royal family throughout the Ming Dynasty.
Although the Chinese were very reluctant to allow any Shih Tzu to leave the country, eventually this delightful breed infiltrated the West, and we have enjoyed his extrovert ways ever since. Remarkable for his courage, animation, charming personality and distinctly arrogant bearing, the Shih Tzu is extremely entertaining to own. He is gay, active and alert, enjoys performing in front of company, and bounces back from a reprimand with an entertaining charm that is irresistible.
Stand offish with strangers, the Shih Tzu makes a very effective little watchdog, as well as being a sensitive and devoted pet for adults or families with older children.
Height approx 23 - 26.7cm
Weight 4.5 - 8.1kg
Dogs Love Water - Funny Pet Tricks
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Sandru Mihai
Shetland Sheepdog
Faithful, supremely intelligent, and with great beauty, the "Sheltie" as he is affectionately called, originated in the Shetland Islands off the north coast of Scotland. The dwarfing effect of rigorous climate, rugged conditions, limited feed, etc. have over the years produced pint-sized ponies, miniature sheep, and now diminutive dogs.
The Shetland Sheepdog has a very obedient nature and is supremely easy to train, and eager to please. His devoted, docile nature, and keen all-but-human intelligence and understanding, makes him a companion dog par excellence for adults and gentle children. He is an outstanding subject for obedience training. Somewhat reserved with strangers, the Shetland Sheepdog is intensely loyal, affectionate and responsive with his own people. He has a strongly defined sense of boundary, and makes a good little watchdog.
The Sheltie's luxuriant jacket, characterised by its abundant mane and frill, is his crowning glory. A double coat, consisting of long straight harsh hair over a short dense furry undercoat, it requires regular attention to keep it in good order
Ideal height: Dogs 37cm
Bitches 35.5cm
Weight approx 8kg
funny animal clips!
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Sandru Mihai