miercuri, 8 august 2007


The popular Beagle is a small, pack oriented hunting hound. Although his natural instinct is to hunt, he is highly adaptable and adjusts happily to a suburban backyard, as long as he has regular exercise to keep him fit while providing him with a change of scene and scent, and company - either human or another dog.

Friendly, playful and eager to please, the Beagle can be wilful. Possessed of great stamina, determination and a definite mind of his own, this picturesque and personality-plus little hound has a tendency to roam. He requires a well fenced yard and firm, patient handling.

The Beagle is lively, active and extremely intelligent, making a devoted friend and companion. Hardy and resilient, he can be happily kept as either a house or a kennel dog. His short, dense, weatherproof coat which comes in attractive colourings, requires very little grooming. He tends to keep himself extremely clean.

Good-natured and steady in temperament, the Beagle has an engaging demeanour which endears him to children and adults alike. A handy size for almost all households, with a handsome appearance and musical voice, the Beagle has something to offer just about everyone.

Ideal height 33-40cm
Weight 12-14kg

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